Fire Insurance Letter

Fire Insurance Rating for the Irish Hills Mutual Water Company upgraded from PPC 9, to PPC 6, potentially saving shareholders thousands on fire insurance.

Thanks to efforts started by neighbor Jim Lau, VP at DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Brokers, the Insurance Services Office (ISO) has upgraded the water company’s Public Protection Classification (PPC) from PPC9 to PPC6.

On October 4th, we engaged with their rep, Jim Hughes, in flow testing 2 fire hydrants, which flowed above the required 2000 GPM. That, along with other submitted data, led to the reclassification. 

Please go over this with your homeowners insurance agent, as it could save you as much as $1,000/year on your fire insurance.   

If you have any problems with this, Jim Lau has graciously offered advice and assistance, even if you are not a client at his agency.

Jim Lau CLU
Vice PresidentDiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Brokers, LLC
100 Cross Street, Suite 203
San Luis Obispo, Ca 93401 

License No. 0E02096
Phone: 805 593 1402
Fax:       805 593 1401
Cell:       805 440 9721 

The text of the email from Jim Hughes at the ISO appears below.

To Whom it May Concern:

To determine a community’s Public Protection Classification (PPC) the Insurance Services Office Inc.(ISO Inc.) evaluates three major categories that have proven effects on fire suppression and prevention abilities:  the fire department, emergency communications, and water supply. The PPC is an important part of the underwriting and rating process for insurers writing personal and commercial fire policies.

 The Irish Hills Mutual WC, CA4000203, requested an ISO Inc. evaluation to become a recognized water purveyor.

 In that effort all necessary forms were submitted and on October 4th 2018, fire hydrant flow testing was completed meeting all requirements. As the Field Representative for San Luis Obispo County Fire Department, I have evaluated and found Irish Hills MWC meeting all the standards and have submitted it for publication. Formal publication will likely be completed in 2 to 3 months from the October date above.

 This letter is to provide a stopgap until the official report is published and made available to insurance companies.

 Any questions please contact me.


James Hughes,  CFPS
Fire Protection Analyst, ISO Insurance Programs and Analytic Services
Verisk Insurance Solutions – Commercial Property
1000 Bishops Gate Blvd. Suite 300
P.O.Box 5404
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054-5404

C: 949-212-1382