Water Usage

The table below shows water usage for all members of the IHMWC, for all of 2023 and the first two months of 2024. For billing and specific usage questions please call 805-546-1305 or send email to info@irishhillswater.com.

The IHMWC derives all of its water from 6 wells drawing from underground “water storage units.” Water storage units do not contain enough water to be considered aquifers.

The water available to the Water Company has been very well characterized by the Emerald Hills and Valle Vista Ranch Environmental Impact Reports. In short, it has been determined that we can safely extract 1.22 acre-feet (53,143 cubic feet) of water per year per lot, or approximately 70 acre feet total for the Water Company. This averages out to about 145 cubic feet (meter units) or 1,089 gallons (more familiar units) per lot per day.

Because outdoor irrigation use increases during the warm, dry summer and fall months, and decreases during the cooler, wetter winter and spring months, the Board has adopted a water use schedule to allow for that, while keeping to an overall annual daily use average of 1,089 gallons per day.