Updated Stickers

Happy New Year everyone! I hope that you all had a safe and comfortable December.

I have created an updated sticker to identify all of the equipment related to the water company so that it’s clear to anyone how to contact us in an emergency (if, for example, a fire hydrant starts leaking). These new stickers also have a reminder to call 811 any time you plan to dig anywhere that has a chance of being near any of our water lines (or any underground lines at all). Here’s the new sticker:

The new IHMWC identification sticker

If you see equipment along our roads that you think is part of our Irish Hills Mutual Water Company infrastructure and doesn’t have one of these labels, please send a photo and location and I’ll check it out. There are some boxes managed by PG&E, So-Cal Gas, cable, etc. that look like ours but aren’t. I haven’t yet put the updated sticker on the wells that are on private property or out in the big field, but will get to those in the next month or so.

Here’re a couple before and after shots:

Before and After photo of the sticker on Well 4’s electric meter

Before and After photo of fire hydrant on Via Laguna Vista (note that the old sticker was no longer even readable)


Water Usage


2022 Consumer Confidence Report (Water Quality)